''Griffin defeated by the lion of Saint Mark'' (1673 - 1743)
15.00 - 25.00
"Three graces standing in niche in front of three palm trees" (1510 - 1527)
15.00 - 35.00
''Archangel Miguel and the Dragon'' (1500 - 1536)
15.00 - 35.00
''De plafondschilderingen in de Grande Galerie te Versailles'' (1725 - 1794)
15.00 - 35.00
''Avaricia (Avaricia)'' (1539 - 1543)
15.00 - 35.00
''Triumph of Galatea'' (1630 - 1660)
15.00 - 35.00
''The great Hercules'' (1589)
15.00 - 35.00
''Allegorical Equestrian Portrait of Louis XIV, King of France'' (1677)
15.00 - 35.00
"Damned souls in battle" (1580)
15.00 - 35.00
''The witch'' (1498 - 1502)
15.00 - 35.00
"Allegory of death and the transience of life" (1601)
15.00 - 35.00
''Grote cartouche'' (1628 - 1666)
15.00 - 35.00
"Allegory of the difficulty of governing" (1578)
15.00 - 35.00
''Sun of Justice (Sol Justitiae)'' (1566)
15.00 - 25.00
''Love and Death, like a skeleton with a spear'' (1830 - 1845)
15.00 - 35.00
"Allegory of deceitful love" (1591)
15.00 - 35.00
"Venus combs her hair" (1580 - 1629)
15.00 - 35.00
''Mors'' (1745)
15.00 - 35.00
''Saturn'' (1585 - 1628)
15.00 - 35.00
“Nessus en Deïnira” (1510 - 1550)
15.00 - 35.00
"Triumph of virtue over lust" (1600)
15.00 - 25.00
''Vanity of Vanities It's all Vanity'' (1575 - 1607)
15.00 - 35.00
''Generosity'' (1589 - 1611)
15.00 - 35.00
"The Devil's Temptation of a Saint" (1579 - 1622)