"Hell as one of the four extremes" (1560 - 1600)
€15.00 - €35.00
"Saint Anthony of Egypt as a hermit" (1590 - 1612)
€15.00 - €35.00
''Patience (Patientia)'' (1540)
€15.00 - €35.00
"Winged seahorse" (1580 - 1610)
€15.00 - €35.00
''America afflicta gemens'' (1648 - 1664)
€15.00 - €35.00
''The griffioen'' (1500 - 1550)
€15.00 - €35.00
''Cartouche with a mascara with snakes for hair'' (1564)
€15.00 - €35.00
''A dragon devouring the companions of Cadmus''(1588)
€15.00 - €35.00
''Heresy'' (1589)
€15.00 - €35.00
''Saint George with the Princess and the Slain Dragon'' (1508)
€15.00 - €35.00
"Allegory of Earthly Love" (1581 - 1612)
€15.00 - €35.00
''Saint George on horseback next to the Slain Dragon'' (1508)
€15.00 - €35.00
''Monster trampling the new testament and other books'' (1723)
€15.00 - €35.00
''Pendant with sea dragon, on his back is a man with a sail'' (1582)
€15.00 - €35.00
''Heaven and earth'' (1685)
€15.00 - €35.00
''Ixion on the wheel'' (1655 - 1700)
€15.00 - €35.00
''Hercules and Cerberus'' (1580 - 1629)
€15.00 - €35.00
Alexis Loir after Charles Le Brun (1650 - 1713)
€15.00 - €35.00
Heks, Jan van de Velde (1626)
€15.00 - €35.00
Martin Schongauer (1470 - 1490)
€15.00 - €35.00
Joannes Bernardinus (1590 - 1637)
€15.00 - €35.00
Maerten de Vos (1575)
€15.00 - €35.00
Albrecht Dürer (1510)
€15.00 - €25.00
''Jonah is thrown into the sea'' (1646)
€15.00 - €35.00