“Pluto and Ceres” (1598)
€15.00 - €35.00
''Mercury and Psyche, side view with Psyche's side'' (1595 - 1599)
€15.00 - €35.00
''Love and the Three Graces'' (1517 - 1520)
€15.00 - €35.00
Albrecht Dürer (1503)
€15.00 - €35.00
''Love and Death, like a skeleton with a spear'' (1830 - 1845)
€15.00 - €35.00
"Allegory of deceitful love" (1591)
€15.00 - €35.00
“Nessus en Deïnira” (1510 - 1550)
€15.00 - €35.00
"Marriage between evil and the devil" (1572 - 1628)
€15.00 - €35.00
"Venus and Cupid" (1588 - 1592)
€15.00 - €35.00
''Patience (Patientia)'' (1540)
€15.00 - €35.00
''Apollo and Diana'' (1501 - 1506)
€15.00 - €35.00
"Two gods of love (Amor) connected by a ribbon" (1590 - 1633)
€15.00 - €35.00
Hendrick Goltzius (1582)
€15.00 - €35.00
Hendrick Goltzius (1582)
€15.00 - €35.00
Sebald Beham (1546)
€15.00 - €25.00
''Mercury and Psyche'' (1595 - 1599)
€15.00 - €35.00